Oficiosul pieței de investiții în energie din SUA, care a întreținut bula gazelor titrează: Gazele de șist sunt o mare minciună!

nick-hodgeAceastă știre poate însemna începutul sfârșitului, pentru ca în State, cam totul merge in functie de semnalele de pe Burse. Daca in “piete” se transmite semnalul ca e “naspa”, fug toti investitorii ca sobolanii. Ceea ce s-ar putea sa fie pozitiv pentru noi in acest moment, dar poate si negativ, in sensul ca presiunea celor delocalizati din SUA, unde au fost deconspirati, va fi mult mai mare in restul lumii. Oricum, cred ca astazi e o zi… ciudata pentru Wall Street. Trebuie sa urmarim fenomenul si evoultia burselor.

Deci acest articol sustine, nici mai mult, nici mai putin, faptul ca gazele de sist nu sunt nimic altceva decat o schema Ponzi! A se nota ca aceasta publicatie este practic cea mai importanta care sfatuieste investitorii in domeniul energiei unde sa-si puna banii, si tot aceasta publicatie trimitea astazi un newsletter prin care spunea ca pana in 2030 SUA va trece complet la regenerabile!

Cum se coroboreaza insa acest articol cu declaratia lui Obama de astazi, prin care vorbeste de potentialul crearii de zone de crestere sustenabila gazate pe gaze de sist??? E putin ciudat, pentru ca “pietele” reactioneaza, de regula, la declaratiile liderilor politici.

(cum o fi sa scrii intr-o zi ca gazele de sist sunt cea mai tare investitie, iar a doua zi sa faci misto de asta? In fine, ei nu au constiinta, asa ca intrebarea nu isi are rostul.)

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Mai jos este articolul cu pricina:

Warning: U.S. Shale Boom Is ONE BIG LIE!

For the past few years, oil and natural gas from shale have been touted as the saviors for the U.S. to break its dependence on foreign oil. The media… financial bobbleheads on TV… and even well-respected financial publications have been bragging about the United States becoming “energy independent” in the next few years.But there’s just one problem…The shale boom is all ONE BIG LIE! You see, what most people don’t know is that the U.S. shale gas industry has actually been a commercial failure and is doomed. Energy from shale is nothing but a pipe dream. See for yourself in this chart where the four biggest shale players (Chesapeake, Southwestern, Devon, and EOG) are actually losing money…

Shale Ponzi Cash Flows

You’ll note that while their total combined cash flow between 2008-2012 was over $80 billion, their total combined expenditures were over $132 billion. That’s over $52 billion in losses! As you and any other intelligent person could guess… they can’t continue to operate at a loss. They’re spending huge amounts of capital to frack… but they can’t recoup those costs with oil below $100 or natural gas below $6.00. In fact, controversial new research shows that this whole Ponzi scheme of the U.S. dollar propped up by this illusion of cheap shale energy is ALL about to come crashing down starting this year.And when it does, it won’t be pretty.But if you take just a few precautions today with your portfolio, you can position yourself to double or even triple your money — while countless others lose their shirts.

To learn more, https://www.angelnexus.com/o/web/55130
Nick Hodge
Editor, Like Minded People

One comment

  1. Traiasca Legiunea si Capitanul!

    Nu mai pierdeti timpul cu mizeriile popoamericane!!

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